It should come as no surprise that the Active Aging population is the fastest growing market in the fitness industry. The population is getting older and unlike many of the previous generation they are doing so kicking and screaming. For the most part their parent’s generation as they got older if they found they couldn’t…

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Last week I was working with a client KG, who is 8 weeks post rotator cuff repair surgery. I should probably explain that he was diagnosed with a full tear in his right rotator cuff and a partial tear in his left rotator. He went under the knife for his right and wanted to try…

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Muscular contractions are divided into different categories based upon its action, Concentric, Eccentric, Isotonic and of course Isometric.  Today we talk about Isometrics, which is loosely defined as a contraction, taking place without movement of the joint. Much like a bodybuilder flexing a muscle, this is a type of isometric contraction. But how can we…

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For years I have been in search of the best spinal stabilization exercise. One that not only engages the core and keeps it engaged but also one that hits the spine from a variety of angles at the same time, helping to engage the all elusive multifidi.  Until now the best, most efficient exercise I had been…

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